The Traitor Son Cycle by Miles Cameron

I’ve only read two books in the series of five, and it is unlikely that I will continue. Not necessarily because the books weren’t very good, but mostly because I spent to long reading them, which isn’t a good sign.

The Red Knight is Book #1 in the series and starts with the aforementioned Knight and his band of mercenaries being signed up for a job. A monastery needs protection from The Wild. What is The Wild? The Wild is a large area full of creatures, some friendly, but mostly not and with good reasons as they have been hunted almost to extinction. However, there is a larger monster behind the recent attacks from the wild. Not larger physically, but larger in power. He (it) can use magic, but so can the Red Knight.

It is very confusing, especially as this is a work of fantasy, set in a distant land, but with a history which includes Jesus. The map at the start of the book also doesn’t really make sense, as the area that The Wild inhabits doesn’t appear to be very large. Unlike the land beyond the wall in Game of Thrones, The Wild appears to be very contained.

The Fell Sword is Book #2, and the Red Knight and his group have been paid to put down a rebellion. There is again plenty of magic and whole load of new characters. While the book is set somewhere new, it does drift back to the first book. The book was also very slow going, although the last 100 pages were quite exciting.

Overall, I don’t feel excited or compelled to return to the world that Mile Cameron has created. Reading Robin Hobb has also made me realise that fantasy doesn’t need to revolve around wars. The reviews of both books are excellent and keep getting better as the series progresses, but not for me. I think that from now on I will be a little more discerning with the fantasy genre. I am looking forward to the next Game of Thrones book and the final edition of the Kingkiller Chronicles, and I will probably read a few more from Robin Hobb, but apart from those three authors I will probably steer clear of starting new fantasy series.