Little Free Library

I went for a run this morning with Nelly, our unruly English Pointer, and on the way back from the park we went down the next street along. The purpose of this little detour was to have a look at a free little library.


What a great idea. On the wall outside a house is a small box full of books. If you like one take it, with the idea that you would replace it with a different book. This morning I got lucky with George R R Martin’s prequel to the Game of Thrones series.


Later today I took a book back, John Grisham’s The Rooster Bar. Every now and again I feel the need to read something from Grisham. On the whole I find them an enjoyable blast, but he Rooster Bar was a bit dull, if I’m being honest.

Back to Little Free Library, and the website has a search function so that in theory you can find any that are near you. Unfortunately the search function isn’t particularly good, and the one in Lancaster isn’t listed, so there could be one only a couple of streets away from where you live, and you’d never know about it.