Ormskirk Parkrun

On a day with country-wide heat wave warnings, Ormskirk was a little cloudy, some wind, and perfect running conditions. I was also on my own, as Ormskirk Parkrun is held on Edge Hill University Campus and is dog free. Helen decided to stay at home with Nelly.

I arrived a little early, as is my way, and had a look around the course, which looked fairly straight forward. One small lap and two larger laps, with a loop around the outside of the running track. Toilets were in the sports centre, which was very clean and the staff nice and friendly.

There were a few announcements at the start, a couple of people completing their 50th parkruns, and a woman who was visiting from Australia. I didn’t feel the need to announce that I’d come all the way from Lancaster after that.

I lined up at the start in a position I thought would be OK, only to find myself hemmed in as I struggled to overtake. I definitely need to push my way closer to the front when I’m not running with Nelly. Anyway, I soon found my pace and after almost 1km I overtook an older woman as we completed the first smaller loop. Onto the larger loop and I continued to overtake a few people, and then lap people, including a woman pushing a double buggy with a small boy who wasn’t happy. I then almost missed the turn for the finish.

Amazingly I finished in 13th place overall, and 1st in my age group. 30 seconds behind me the older woman who I had passed early on finished. She was in the 65-69 age group and recorded an age graded result of over 90%. My best result this year is 73%.

Ormskirk was my 138th parkrun, and my 47th different location. I ticked off ‘O’ from the Alphabet challenge, as well as 33rpm of the Record Breakers challenge. It was also my NENDY, with my new NENDY being Cliffe Castle in Keighly.